Why the weekend should be three days

Why weekends should be three days.


Here are lots of reasons why you should think about why weekends should be three days: children will have more energy, be able to spend more time with their family and have more time to keep our house clean.


Firstly I think that having more time to rest I will be very energetic for school on Tuesday. Secondly, having more time to spend with my family will be way more fun. Some people think that having more time to learn is better, but some 


People need time to relax. I will have more time to clean up my house then I will get time to go on my tablet. If I get to play on my tablet I will be happy, and I will be very energetic for school.


Secondly I will have more time to spend with my family and friends. Some believe that we need more time to learn, but some people need time to relax including teachers and the principal/ Deputy principal. Also, to relax we need to not be stressed.


 We need more time to clean up our house. So then when we clean our house up we will not be stressed because it will be clean. Then my caregiver won’t be angry because the house will be already nice and clean.


 Not surprisingly, employees reported less stress, burnout, fatigue, as well as better mental health and improved work-life balance,” Prof Maher says. This study provides empirical evidence that people have healthier lifestyle patterns when they have a short break, such as a three day weekend. 


In conclusion there are lots of reasons why I think we should have a 3-day weekend. I hope after reading this you agree. 🙂 🙂

